Infidelity Counseling Dallas
Infidelity Counseling
Whoever thought that you would end up here? Maybe it was from that suspicious text meant for someone else. Perhaps your partner always hid the phone or stayed up longer than you at night.
Still, something directed you to think that your spouse is cheating. Eventually, you turned into a person you never imagined... you started obsessing about finding out the truth. You went through your partner's mail or phone to social media posts for evidence.
Through the difficult time of that obsession, you finally found it!
Your discovery of infidelity brought your whole world tumbling down. Yet, with all the time you spent searching, you still had hope your partner was not having an affair.
You confronted your partner, and perhaps they were honest with you and said sorry even if they did not mean for it to go that far. How can you ever trust them again and wonder if it will happen again?
The above is only one scenario of an affair, and there are many other forms of infidelity. You can find emotional infidelity, physical infidelity, to even sexual infidelity by looking at porn.
We Know How You Feel, But There is Hope
We know how bad it hurts to leave you with sleepless nights with neverending dread and worry. The presence of infidelity leaves you overwhelmed and crushed. You feel you cannot move on, and trusting your partner is difficult. Why should you try?
Still, you are here for a reason: a glimmer of hope remains as you love your partner. Despite the betrayal and with the trust through infidelity broken, you love them even if betrayed.
You wonder if you did something wrong or if there is something wrong with you. As couples therapists, we know dealing with extramarital affairs is an ugly time. But there is nothing wrong with you or the way you feel.
Yet, there is hope right here with us, and that is affair recovery counseling.
"Even with my betrayal, my wife has always been along my side. It hurt her badly, but together, we saw a marriage counselor to work through the process. It helped her with the healing process, and in turn, it helped me to keep my ego in check."
- Dominic Washington (Dallas)
How Can Marriage Therapists Help?
With couples counseling, one can uncover and address the primary root of the issue of betrayal.
When we work with the aspects of infidelity or any other forms of betrayal that can be stressful, we first identify those negative patterns they are stuck in. Relationship counseling can help couples understand why they feel disconnected from one another.
Throughout the process, it teaches couples to communicate as we can predict when one partner moves a specific way or how the other will respond. The truth is recovery from the wounds of infidelity is possible to live a happier relationship.
What Can You Learn With Infidelity Recovery?
With marriage counseling taking part in couples therapy, you discover different ways to talk about your feelings to relationship issues. For example, you can say how angry you feel about feeling sad and your fear.
Affair recovery is difficult to deal with as trust is the cornerstone of intimate relationships. How can you trust your unfaithful partner after a sexual affair to rebuild an honest relationship?
While this might seem impossible now, there is hope with a relationship counselor by your side. If there is one thing we as relationship therapists hear a lot is if only we could press the re-do button.
Unfortunately, there is no such thing as going back to that button. So, for couples to move forward, relationship therapy can help them build a stronger and new relationship than before.
Marriage Counseling of Dallas has seen many couples build healthy relationships after infidelity, coming out stronger than before.
Are you ready to take the path toward healing? Maybe you feel the sense of hope seems endless. Well, the best thing you can do is try! With couple counseling, you can discuss your concerns to find a solution to move forward. Contact us today to schedule an appointment.